Draft Resolution Submitted by the Russian Federation




Revealing the aspiration to pay greater attention to social dimension of globalization;

noting that globalization based on economic, social and environmental progress can bring sustainable benefits to all Asia Pacific states, their business sectors and their people;


Taking into consideration increasing expectations amongst global consumers, investors and business partners regarding responsible and sustainable business practices;


Admitting that the voluntary activities that comprise CSR will remain an important aspect of doing business in the 21st century;


Recognizing that corporate social responsibility can reinforce the positive effects that trade and investment have on growth, competitiveness and sustainable development and that all stakeholders in our communities benefit when governments foster a business environment that encourages voluntary corporate social responsibility practices;


Stating that corruption in both the public and private sectors is a serious threat to social and economic development in many states of the region and of the world;


Recognizing that, when criminal entities collude with corrupt public and private sector officials, it results in a culture of impunity and financial exploitation of the legitimate economy;


Supporting the efforts undertaken by Asia Pacific states to develop comprehensive anti-corruption strategies and national plans for countering corruption;

Coming to the conclusion that counteraction corruption, up to its criminal prosecution, can facilitate greater regional cooperation;



Resolves to:


1.            Urge the Parliaments and the Governments of Asia Pacific states to sustain the collective efforts to combat corruption and related transnational illicit networks by promoting clean government, supporting public-private partnerships, fostering market integrity, and transparent financial systems;


2.            Recommend in compliance with the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) to resort to such anti-corruption activities as engaging the financial intelligence and law enforcement cooperation related to corrupt payments and illicit financial flows and also to repatriation of the corrupt assets;


3.            Support the implementation, where applicable, of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) Forty plus nine Recommendations;


4.            Stress the necessity to encourage responsible and transparent business conduct that adheres to local legislation and regulations and takes into account the guidelines related to corporate social responsibility that have been developed by multilateral bodies, as appropriate;


5.            Recommend to the Parliaments, which have not yet done so, to ratify the UN Convention Against Corruption and to take all measures available to comply with the obligations provided therein.