Economic and trade matters ( 4 hrs duration )

1.      Global Finacial Crisis and Effective APPF response

2.      APEC 2008 in Peru : Report by Peru

3.      WTO 2008

4.      Sustainable tourism

5.      Food security

6.      Energy security

7.      Others


Political and security matters  ( 3 hrs duration )

1.      Review of the political and security situation in the Asia Pacific Region 

         and in the world

·        ARF 2008 in Singapore : Report by Singapore

·        Peace and stability in North East Asia

·        Peace and stability in South East Asia

·        Middle East peace process

·        Cluster munitions

·        Terrorism

2.      Others


Inter-parliamentary cooperation in ( 2 : 30 hrs duration )

1.      Parliamentary capacity building

2.      Handling climate change and environmental issue

3.      Natural disaster management

4.      Poverty reduction

5.      Gender issues in Parliament

6.      Others


APPF matters ( 3 hrs duration )

1.      APPF in future (membership, observer status, rules of procedures)

2.      Date and venue of APPF’s 18th Annual Meeting

3.      Others