Draft Resolution Submitted by the Japanese Delegation




Reaffirming that the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula is a great concern for Northeast Asia, as well as for the Asia-Pacific region, and that the constructive engagement of the international community in the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula is profitable for the whole Peninsula;


Noting the Resolution on the Situation of the Korean Peninsula, and the Joint Communique adopted at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the APPF in January 2008, the G8 Hokkaido Toyako Summit Leaders Declaration in July 2008, the Joint Statement of the Six Party Talks in September 2005, the Chairman’s Statement of the Seventh ASEM in October 2008, the Chairman’s Statement of the Fifteenth ARF in July 2008, the Resolution 1695 and 1718 of the U.N. Security Council, the Resolutions on the Situation of Human Rights in DPRK adopted at the UN General Assembly in December, the South-North Declaration in October 2007, and the Japan-DPRK Pyongyang Declaration in September 2002;


Confirming that explaining and resolving the human right issues in North Korea and the abduction issues of citizens from various countries by North Korea are problems for the entire international community;


Emphasizing the importance of reinforcing regional and international cooperation to maintain the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula;


Recognizing, that together with the issue of Iran’s nuclear development, any additional developments of nuclear weapons will destabilize and threaten the non-proliferation regime and world order;


Resolves to:


1.            Confirm once again the importance of a nuclear weapons–free Korean Peninsula for the peace and stability of the Peninsula as well as of the Asia-Pacific region and express supports of APPF members for the process of Six-Party Talks which is the most realistic framework for the peaceful solution of the nuclear issue of North Korea;


2.            Confirm that the process of the Six-Party Talks must be continued and calls for the adoption of an effective protocol within the Six Party Talks framework to verify North Korea’s nuclear programs, and for the prompt completion of the disablement of the Yongbyon nuclear facilities by North Korea;


3.            Call upon North Korea to take concrete actions to promptly resolve all issues, such as the missile issue and humanitarian concerns of the international community, including serious shortages of food, medical and other humanitarian services in North Korea, together with humanitarian concerns including the abduction issue and, especially to commence the comprehensive investigation concerning  abductees by North Korea, agreed in the Japan-DPRK Working-Level Consultations in August 2008;


4.  Request APPF members, for the resolution of abduction issue, to actively engage in the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances under the UN Commission on Human Rights and to cooperate in adopting the Resolution on the Situation of Human Rights in DPRK by a large majority;


5.  Call for, regardless of any reason, that North Korea never spread nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction to terrorists or any other states;


6.   Confirm adherence of the APPF member countries to the peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and its denuclearized status.