Draft Resolution Sponsored by the Senate of Chile




Recalling that the multilateral trading system represented in the WTO, contributes to strengthen transparency and stability in international trade and to expand trade for the benefit of all States, especially the developing countries;


Considering the failure of the WTO meetings in reaching an agreement in the whole package of the Doha Round, particularly in establishing modalities for agriculture and non-agricultural market access (NAMA);


Recognizing that WTO members have found solutions –through intensive negotiations- to several relevant problems that had remained unsolved for years;


Aware that the fluctuating prices of raw materials and agricultural products affects directly the stabilization and progress of underdeveloped countries and that the successful ending of the Doha Round could be the crucial stabilizing element needed by a world characterized by financial and economic crises and a relevant tool to foster economic growth, development, employment and even, food security all over the world;


Deeply concerned that the costs of breakdown of the Doha Round negotiations could generate the threat of sapping the legitimacy of the international trading system and the WTO and the danger of expanding protectionism, harming the poorest and weakest countries;    


Resolves to:

1.            Urge WTO members and government negotiators to keep the positive attainments reached in all the themes of the negotiations and to immediately restart the talks with flexibility and constructive spirit, in order to conclude the Doha Round before the end of the present year;


2.            Underscore the importance of settling the access of Least Developed Countries to all developed country markets, by reducing agricultural subsidies and promoting aid for trade and trade facilitation;


3.            Call on the WTO to ensure its inclusiveness and universal membership and, therefore, to expedite the accession process for developing countries;


4.            Emphasize the need of  a  strong parliamentary commitment to play a key role in overseeing WTO actions and agreements and promoting a fair and sustainable trade liberalization process.