Draft Resolution Submitted by Mexico




Considering the consequences of the international financial crisis and its negative repercussions on the world economy, particularly its adverse effects on developing countries;


Aware of the shared and differentiated responsibility of all countries to face the international economic crisis in order to respond to human development needs for ending poverty and reaching Millennium Development Goals (MDG);


Emphasizing the need to work together at APEC to increase prosperity, stability and security in the region through association and cooperation;


Aware of the threat to sustainable development posed by the international economic crisis – deemed essential for human progress – particularly in the context of the Declaration adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in September 2002;


Convinced that the search for better mechanisms to attain these objectives should strengthen bonds among our nations;


Remembering that the International Conference on Financing for Development held in Monterrey (Mexico) in 2002 indicates, in particular, that international financial stability is crucial to world economic growth;


Concerned that the international financial crisis has undermined social stability in numerous countries and threatens democratic achievements and progress made in human rights issues;


Resolves to:

1.             Call on governments and intergovernmental organizations to guarantee the right to receive basic education for all citizens regardless of their country’s economic conditions;

2.             Urge national parliaments to implement a more effective and proactive body of laws for national regulatory authorities in order to prevent any instability of the main financial markets;

3.             Encourage APPF members to reconcile the search for economic efficacy and human development; 

4.             Exchange information about business opportunities and access to markets in the region, including basic economic indicators and business tendencies; regional progress integration; and the competitive environment;


5.             Foment political dialog regarding the negotiation process of the Doha Round, considering alternative methods to promote the development agenda;


6.             Call upon the governments of developed countries to quickly meet their commitments in relation to developing countries to help them solve their internal economic problems, eliminate poverty, illiteracy and disease and reach higher growth rates as recommended by several instruments, in particular the Millennium Declaration; and in this context, urge international organizations, within the restrictions of their respective mandates, to contribute towards the attainment of the abovementioned objectives;


7.             Facilitate foreign investment as a key element for growth; backed by macroeconomic policies that promote financial stability and create favorable conditions for the productive sectors;


8.             Emphasize the establishment of small and medium-sized company associations; facilitate their access to new technologies; contribute to improving the business environment and guarantee accessible financing mechanisms;


9.             Deepen regional cooperation mechanisms to increase key-sector competitiveness, such as multi-modal transportation; ports, customs, as well as the administrative simplicity required to increase the efficiency of our trade relations;


10.         Promote cultural and educational activities at APEC in order to deepen our bonds and mutual understanding.